- Myra

Celebrating Teachers All Summer Long at Myra & Company

At Myra & Company, we believe in the power of appreciation. This summer, we're extending our heartfelt gratitude to the incredible teachers who shape the minds of our future generations. It all started when our co-owner, Erica, experienced a moment of profound realization during her son’s first year of pre-k.

After a bustling and well-deserved Teacher Appreciation Week, Erica’s son asked her the following Monday what gift he was talking to his teacher that day. His innocent question struck a chord with Erica, highlighting that appreciating teachers shouldn't be confined to just one week. Much like Mother's Day reminds us to cherish our mothers year-round, Teacher Appreciation Week should be a stepping stone to ongoing recognition and gratitude for our educators.

Moved by this epiphany, Erica gathered the Myra & Company team to brainstorm ways to continue showing our appreciation for teachers throughout the year. Together, we curated a special list of discounted and upgraded services exclusively for teachers, offering them the pampering and relaxation they deserve. The Teacher Summer Appreciation Menu can easily be accessed and booked online, allowing teachers to schedule their well-deserved beauty day.

We encourage everyone to think about the teachers in their lives. Whether it’s your child's pre-k teacher, a dedicated high school instructor, or a memorable college professor, let them know how much they mean to you. Consider giving them one of our services, or at the very least, reach out and thank them for their hard work and dedication.

This summer, let’s make Teacher Appreciation Day every day. From all of us at Myra & Company, thank you, teachers, for everything you do. Your impact is immeasurable, and your dedication doesn’t go unnoticed.

With heartfelt appreciation,
Erica, Joseph, and the Myra & Company Team